Tag: Ghana

National Science and Maths Quiz: Nurturing Ghana’s Future Innovators and Leaders.

The impact of contestants in the National Science and Maths Quiz on Ghana is profound and multi-faceted. Their exemplary performance not only raises the bar for academic excellence but also fosters a culture of innovation and critical thinking. These young minds are not just participants in a competition; they are the future leaders, scientists, engineers, and innovators who will drive Ghana’s development in the years to come especially when the world is thriving on digitisation and technology. As the NSMQ continues to flourish and inspire, the nation can look forward to a brighter future, enriched by the talents of these exceptional students.

Most credible politician, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia exposes the NDC’s lies

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has denied having British citizenship.This claim is bolstered by information about the vice president on the British government’s Companies House website, where Dr. Bawumia is listed as indicating that he is a Brit.However, the vice president has said that part of the information on the website is incorrect. According to […]


The most important part of any dealings is the motivation that drives the dealing. In the case of the bed sellers, our preliminary checks indicate that the need for more money is what fuels the passion for the continuous perpetration of this illegal activity. Bright Boakye Addo is an officer of the SRC who serves […]

Members of NPP UK endorses competent Bawumia

Source The vice president’s bid to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) into the 2024 elections has received the support of the party’s overseas supporters. The “Diaspora4Bawumia” organisation is pleading with their party’s delegates to support Dr. Bawumia, who will be running for president alongside his wife, the Second Lady Samira Bawumia.They think the couple […]