It can be dangerous for a layperson to advocate for political causes; imagine how dangerous it can be for pastors and their congregations?
Pastors are not called to most Christians. However, just as some people are called by God to work in banking, trades, education, or politics, so are others.
Many pastors and Christian leaders are thought to have let their political interests distract them from their preaching of God’s grandeur and the grace that flows from our Savior’s cross.
Preaching sermons to their congregation, planning church events and philanthropic endeavours, and meeting with members of their congregation to assist them in overcoming big life upheavals or strengthening their faith are some of their responsibilities.

There won’t be any slur against pastors who choose to preach politics; but, we must exercise extreme caution and wisdom in our efforts to do so in a way that is consistent with the Bible. I would just issue a warning about how and when to do it, because if you identify more with your politics than with your preaching of the Bible, people will frequently come to you to hear you talk on politics rather than the Bible.
For pastors, engaging in political activism can have both advantages and disadvantages. The decision is rarely simple, but it usually entails adhering to what is frequently a delicate, wavy, or even broken line. The pastor most definitely needs guidance from above when it comes to choosing how to handle political matters.
Ghanaian churches have made a conscious decision to seek out, elevate, and judiciously back political figures who, at all political levels, have demonstrated a high moral code.
The church intends to utilise a well-coordinated and planned approach to inspire morally upright Christians to engage in politics at all national levels of government.
In a world often negatively affected by political divisions, pastors have the opportunity to play a transformative role in peace-making. By focusing on their spiritual guidance, acting as mediators, building trust, advocating for justice in our society.
Through their non-political stance, pastors become powerful agents of positive change, inspiring others to embrace peace and work towards a more inclusive and harmonious world.