Ken Agyapong

Yam Festival brouhaha; Asogli state clarifies

Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, was in fact invited by the Council to the recent Asogli Te Za, according to information clarified by the Asogli State Council’s secretary (Yam Festival).
The MP really requested an invitation to the event, according to a statement from the secretary dated Monday, September 12.
He said that the Council was aware of earlier “loose comments” ascribed to the outspoken MP, hence this request was not instantly approved.
“Honourable Mr. Kennedy Agyapong requested, through his representatives, for an invitation to attend some programmes of the 2022 Asogli Te Za (Yam Festival).

“The leadership of the Asogli State Council however disapproved of it because of several loose comments and utterances he had made which the Council viewed as unbecoming of an Honourable Member of Ghana’s Parliament,” he stated.

In order to further demonstrate his acceptance of responsibility for the error that resulted in the invitation being sent to the MP, Stephen Tetteh also provided a compilation of press items that substantiate the aforementioned comment.
“In view of the above, I accept responsibility for the administrative lapse which resulted in the sending of an invitation letter to Mr. Agyapong. I apologize to both the Asogli State Council and Mr. Agyapong,” he stated.
Kennedy Agyapong was said to have attended this year’s Te Za (Yam Festival) at the invitation of the Asogli State, according to earlier reports.

Parts of the letter, which was written on Asogli State Council letterhead, read as follows: “The Agbogbomefia Togbe Afede XIV, Asogli State Council and the Festival Planning Committee have the pleasure to invite you to witness the Sitting-In State of Agbogbomefia Togbe Afede XIV on Friday September 9 and the climax of the festival which is the Grand Durbar on Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 10:00 am at Jubilee Park, Ho.”

The State Council letter, written to “Honourable Kennedy Ohene Agyapong,” concluded. “We hope that you will make time out of your tight schedule to celebrate with us.”

This letter was also on the back of a report on Friday, September 9, 2022, that indicated that Togbe Afede XIV, the Agbogbomefia of the Asogli State, rejected some gifts presented by Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, MP, as part of his contribution to the people of the Asogli State who were celebrating the annual Yam Festival.

The MP had visited Ho to pay homage to the chiefs and people of the Asogli State.

But the gifts he sent, according to a graphic online reportage, were rejected at the durbar ground.

Some sub-chiefs, who served as intermediaries to receive the gift on behalf of Togbe Afede XIV, rejected the gifts and asked the MP to take them away.

A video depicting Mr Agyapong on the durbar grounds had some voices in the background shouting “away”.

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